just uploaded my first tone to the ToneCloud...
I don't usually try to replicate the tones of a specific guitarist or song. I build up the tone as if it was an actual chain of pedals, and I use them to play over chord progressions on a looper or (alas, very rarely) to jam with friends. Usually, it is a clean tone, that can be used for rythm and boosted for a clean solo, and there are a couple things to turn on to beef up the solo (or the rythm itself), in this case a chorus, a delay, and, to make it fat and warm, a BigMuff. So think of it as a pedalboard set you use stepping the pedals on and off...

It's called Clean Muff, it has a few tags in it (rig, clean, distortion, DB), and the author is listed as Davide Baroni.
There's another tone with the same name, sorry, I didn't know it existed, or I'd give mine a different name.

All feedbacks will be appreciated. I'm just learning to use this beast.