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How to fix intermittent sound drops in Bluetooth-connected music
Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 2:02 pm
by Richard
I have noticed that Bluetooth signals made by phones and tablets seem not to be very strong. It is best to put the connected device next to the Spark if you want to prevent sound of dropping off intermittently.
Re: How to fix intermittent sound drops in Bluetooth-connected music
Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 1:52 pm
by dhbailey52
I don't have experience with the amp yet, but I did read either on the facebook Spark Amp Users group or in the PG forum that someone was having problems until he moved the bluetooth device behind the amp. He thought that perhaps the electromagnetic fields around the speakers might have been having a bad effect on the bluetooth. As I said I don't have experience with this but perhaps moving the device around to different locations might help.
Re: How to fix intermittent sound drops in Bluetooth-connected music
Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 4:28 pm
by Richard
I stopped having problems when I put the iPad on top of the Spark. Before that I put it at about 1.5 metres' distance above it. A bluetooth connection with my laptop works at a distance fdrom about 4 metres without dropouts.
Re: How to fix intermittent sound drops in Bluetooth-connected music
Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 5:34 pm
by Bluesguy
I haven't noticed any Bluetooth drop outs, I sit about 6 feet in front with my tablet, Android, being held on a mic stand, same I used when playing live because I'mm too old to remember lyrics anymore
Would have been nice, considering the vast majority of these things will be used in house and not outside at some venue, to have used Wi-Fi to connect or as an option. I also hope they fix the reconnections that I seem to get when going to say Youtube on the tablet and then come back to the Spark app and have to reconnect. An automatic connect and stay connect would be great and I think has been mentioned on the official forum.