Can you help with this tone
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This forum will cease to be in June 2025. I just don't have the time. If you're interested in getting the domain before some domain hijacker registers it, please contact me (Richard).
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Sun Oct 23, 2022 3:45 pm
Can you help with this tone
I have a tone I originally got from the cloud and modified a bit. It's a great tone for the most part except that at any volume ithe low end sounds like the speaker is blown and I can't identify in the tone where that is coming from. You can find it on the cloud username DanielSmith tone BB King ES-345 DX
Re: Can you help with this tone
What guitar and guitar volume and tone setting are you using?
Dan Lawrence
Fullerton, CA
Fullerton, CA

- Posts: 3
- Joined: Sun Oct 23, 2022 3:45 pm
Re: Can you help with this tone
3 different guitars. An American Profesional Strat, a PRS Se II hollowbody and an SE 245. I've tried all volume levels. It seems to be part of the tone not the amp.
Re: Can you help with this tone
Thanks for the info. I downloaded the Preset from ToneCloud and tested it with both my 2008 American HSS Strat and my 2021 Gibson SG. I always keep my Spark 40 Output set to 25%, and start with guitar volume an tone settings at 8 (I.e. 80%). I did not adjust the Preset in any way during my test.
The Preset, as downloaded sounded great, both through the Spark 40 speakers and my Tascom TH-200X headphone. Stepped through all switch positions on both guitars, focusing on low E and A string using chords and individual notes. No bass anomalies were detected with either guitar.
Turning the SG Tone Controls to 0, I could detect some breakup of the bass through the headphones, but not through the speakers. Sounded like adding a light Fuzz Pedal. Nothing harsh or ugly.
Turning the Strat Tone Controls to 0 did not introduce any detectable harsh or ugly tone through either the headphones or speakers.
Hope this helps…
The Preset, as downloaded sounded great, both through the Spark 40 speakers and my Tascom TH-200X headphone. Stepped through all switch positions on both guitars, focusing on low E and A string using chords and individual notes. No bass anomalies were detected with either guitar.
Turning the SG Tone Controls to 0, I could detect some breakup of the bass through the headphones, but not through the speakers. Sounded like adding a light Fuzz Pedal. Nothing harsh or ugly.
Turning the Strat Tone Controls to 0 did not introduce any detectable harsh or ugly tone through either the headphones or speakers.
Hope this helps…
Dan Lawrence
Fullerton, CA
Fullerton, CA

- Posts: 3
- Joined: Sun Oct 23, 2022 3:45 pm
Re: Can you help with this tone
Ty, maybe it's just my own preferences. I get the fuzziness on the low end. I'll keep experimenting
Re: Can you help with this tone
Could be you have really hot humbuckers(?) I’ve noticed that when I download a very loud Preset from ToneCloud, I not only have to adjust the Amp gain and volume, but also the Reverb Pedal settings. The Preset pedal seems to contribute more gain to the output than a real Reverb Pedal, at least to my untutored ear. I try to keep my favorite presets at about the same output level for those rare occasions when I try to use my Spark Tone Control… Unlike the one you identified, most ToneCloud Presets contain way too much reverb for my taste, so it’s usually the first thing that I tweak.
Dan Lawrence
Fullerton, CA
Fullerton, CA