Last of the series...
This is the same test, recorded by placing the TASCAM DR-07 MkII in front of the Spark and using the two condenser mics integrated in the recorder.
The weird thing is that when I listened to the recording it didn't sound as different from the cable recording as I would have expected, while they ARE different from what comes out of the Spark's speakers, as far as my ears are concerned.
Anyway, here they are...
With S@muele's settings: ... e.mp3?dl=0
With my settings: ... e.mp3?dl=0
Thank you all for your patience.
"In The Air Tonight" tone: how?
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This forum will cease to be in June 2025. I just don't have the time. If you're interested in getting the domain before some domain hijacker registers it, please contact me (Richard).
This forum will cease to be in June 2025. I just don't have the time. If you're interested in getting the domain before some domain hijacker registers it, please contact me (Richard).