Obviously, the Positive Grid people could have used the real names of emulated amps and pedals, but they would have needed to pay gazillions in royalties to their respective trademark owners. This thread features an overview of all amps and pedals with their real-life counterparts. Some of these effect pedals seem not to be based on actual pedals, rather are more a description of a desired effect (like the reverbs).
I will update this basic post with any info forthcoming. What's mentioned down below is by no means cast in concrete, so feel free to suggest changes if necessary.
Clean Amps
01 Silver 120 - Roland Jazz Chorus 120
02 Black Duo - Fender Twin Reverb
03 AD Clean - Orange AD 30
04 Match DC - Matchless DC30
05 ODS 50 - Dumble ODS 50 HRM
06 J.H. D-Show Master - Fender Dual Showman
07 J.H. Sun 100S - Sunn 100S
08 Blues Boy - Fender Blues Junior
Glassy Amps
09 Tweed Bass - Fender Bassman
10 AC Boost - Vox AC30
11 Checkmate - Teisco Checkmate 20
12 Two Stone SP50 - Two Rock Studio Pro 50
13 J.H. 45/100 - Marshall JTM45/100
14 J.H. Bass Master - Fender 1968 Bassman 50
Crunchy Amps
15 American Deluxe - Fender ’57 Custom Deluxe
16 Plexiglas - Marshall Super Lead 100
17 JM45 - Marshall JTM45
18 Lux Verb - Fender Deluxe Reverb
19 J.H. Super 100 - Marshall Super Lead 100
20 J.H. Tone City 100 - Sound City One Hundred
High Gain Amps
21 RB 101 - Bogner Ecstasy 101
22 British 30 - Orange AD30
23 American High Gain - Mesa Boogie JP-2C
24 SLO 100 - Soldano SLO-100
25 YJM100 - Marshall Yngwie J. Malmsteen YJM100 Signature
Metal Amps
26 Treadplate - Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier
27 Insane - EVH 5150 III
28 insane 6508 - Peavey 6505
29 Switchaxe - Hughes & Kettner Switchblade
30 Rocker V - Orange Rockerverb 50
31 BE 101 - Friedman Brown Eye 100
Acoustic Amps
32 Pure Acoustic - a Positive Grid original
33 Fishboy - Fishman Acoustic Amp (Loudmouth 60 Watts?)
34 Jumbo - a Positive Grid original
35 Flat Acoustic - a Positive Grid original
Bass Amps
36 RB-800 - Gallien-Krueger 800RB
37 Sunny 3000 - Sunn 300T
38 W600 - Eden WTP600
39 Hammer 500 - Aguilar Tone Hammer 500
01 LA Comp - Teletronix LA-2A Compressor
02 Sustain Comp - Boss CS-3
03 Red Comp - MXR Dyna Comp
04 Bass Comp - EBS Multicomp
05 Optical Comp - BBE Opto Stomp
06 J.H. Legendary Wah - Vox 846 wah-wah pedal
01 Booster - MXR Micro Amp
02 Clone Drive - Klon Centaur
03 Tube Drive - Ibanez Tube Screamer
04 Over Drive - Boss OD-3
05 J.H. Axle Fuzz - Roger Mayer Axis Fuzz
06 J.H. Super Fuzz - Marshall Supa Fuzz
07 J.H. Octave Fuzz - Roger Mayer Octavia
08 J.H. Fuzz Zone - Maestro FZ-1 Fuzz-Tone
09 Fuzz Face - Dunlop or Arbiter Fuzz Face
10 Black Op - Pro Co RAT
11 Bass Muff - Electro Harmonix Bass Big Muff Pi
12 Guitar Muff - Electro Harmonix Big Muff
13 Bassmaster - Maestro Bass Brassmaster
14 SAB Driver - Wampler Plexi-Drive / Fulltone OCD Overdrive
01 Tremolo - Mad Professor Mellow Yellow
02 Chorus- Boss CE-1 Chorus Ensemble
03 Flanger - Electro Harmonix Electric Mistress
04 Phaser - MXR M-107 Phase 100
05 Vibrato - BBE Mind Bender (vibrato switch only)
06 UniVibe - MJM Guitar FX Sixties Vibe Classic / Shi-Nei Uni-vibe
07 J.H. Legendary Vibe - Roger Mayer Voodoo Vibe Junior
08 Cloner Chorus - Electro Harmonix Small Clone
09 Classic Vibe - Voodoo Lab Micro Vibe
10 Tremolator - Demeter TRM-1 Tremulator
11 Tremolo Square - TC Electronic Pipelilne
12 Guitar EQ (6-band)
13 Bass EQ (6-band)
01 Digital Delay - Boss DD-3 Digital Delay
02 Echo Filt - Marshall EH-1?
03 Vintage Delay - Boss DM-3?
04 Reverse Delay - a Positive Grid original (feels like EarthQuaker Avalanche Run)
05 Multi Head - Boss RE-20 / Roland RE-201 Space Echo?
06 Echo Tape - Maestro Echoplex EP-2 Tape Delay
01 Room Studio A
02 Chamber
03 Hall Natural
04 Plate Short
05 Hall Ambient
06 Plate Rich - EMT 140 Plate Reverb
07 Hall Medium - Electro Harmonix Holy Grail Reverb
08 Plate Long - Wampler Reflection Plate Reverb
09 Room Studio B
Latest update 17 Oct 2023
I have cleaned up this whole thread and deleted all posts that have been worked into this master list. From now on, that will happen sooner.
Real names of amps and effects
Forum rules
This forum will cease to be in June 2025. I just don't have the time. If you're interested in getting the spark.zone domain before some domain hijacker registers it, please contact me (Richard).
This forum will cease to be in June 2025. I just don't have the time. If you're interested in getting the spark.zone domain before some domain hijacker registers it, please contact me (Richard).